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Terms of Use/Disclaimer
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- This website is subject to the following terms of use agreed on a binding basis between the user and STAUB & CO. - SILBERMANN GmbH in viewing this website. If special terms for specific usage of this website should deviate from the following terms of use, express reference will be made to this circumstance on this website where appropriate. Then, the special terms of use shall apply additionally in the respective specific case. The information on the website is meant to provide non-binding, general information, only, and does not constitute any legally binding statement.
- STAUB & CO. - SILBERMANN GmbH does not accept any warranty for the up-to-date status, the correctness, the completeness and the quality of the information on these pages or the permanent unimpeded access.
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- The liability of STAUB & CO. - SILBERMANN GmbH for material defects and defects of title shall be subject to provisions to be agreed upon separately. In any other respect, the liability of STAUB & CO. - SILBERMANN GmbH is excluded, unless liability is mandatory e.g. based on the German Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz) or is due to intent, gross negligence, injuries with lethal consequences or resulting in physical disability or damage to health, acceptance of a guarantee of quality, fraudulent concealment of a defect or the violation of material contractual duties. Damage compensation due to violation of material contractual duties, however, is limited to the foreseeable damage typical for the contract, unless intent or gross negligence is involved.
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STAUB & CO. - SILBERMANN GmbH expressly reserves its right to change, supplement or cancel parts of the pages or the entire offer or stop the publication without previous announcement.
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This website contains data and information of all kind, which are protected under trademark law and/or copyright law for the benefit of STAUB & CO. - SILBERMANN GmbH or - in specific cases - for the benefit of third parties, too. Therefore, it is not allowed to download, reproduce and/or distribute the website, as a whole or in parts. It is expressly allowed to reproduce it for browsing purposes, provided that this does not serve any economic purposes, as well as for the permanent reproduction for one’s own use.
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It is permitted to establish a link to this website, provided that it is intended for cross reference, only. STAUB & CO. - SILBERMANN GmbH reserves its right to withdraw this permit. The framing of this website is not permitted.
D) Final Provisions
- The above terms of use shall be considered as part of the internet offer of STAUB & CO. - SILBERMANN GmbH, where reference was made to these terms of use.
- If parts or specific phrases of this text should be or become invalid, this shall not affect the remaining parts of the terms of use.
- If the contracting partner is a merchant (as defined in the German Commercial Code), a public-law juristic person or a special fund under public law, the venue of court shall be at the place of business of STAUB & CO. - SILBERMANN GmbH. German law shall govern to the exclusion of the U.N. Sales Law.
- The EU Commission created an internet platform for the online resolution of disputes. The platform is used as contact point for the extra-judicial resolution of disputes regarding contractual duties arising from online purchase contracts. Please use this link for further details: STAUB & CO. - SILBERMANN GmbH is neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.